"Dhoop Sticks"

3mm.x3.5 inch perfumed dhoop sticks
small but burning time minutes 

BLACK Dhoop Sticks

Rose Dhoop Sticks
small box save millions of Rose fragrance

Asli Chandan
Real Fragrance of Mysore sandalwood forest

Lucky 7 fragrance for you

Asli Chandan


Dev Darshan

Dev Pooja

Kasturi Dhoop Sticks

Rainbow Dhoop Sticks
fill fresh like monsoon season
cool, smooth divine and healthy.


all 9

5mmX4 inch pencil design dhoop


Ponds Dhoop Sticks

6mmX7inch pencil design coloring dhoop
Red and Green color
burning time more then 100 minutes
3 fragrance Classic, Nataraj & Apsara

Classic Dhoop